Dive Sites

Dive Oahu gives you the best dive experience around with beautiful dive sites — from shallow reefs to deep wrecks.

One notable feature of Oahu's underwater landscape is the prevalence of shorter, sturdier corals that have evolved to withstand the island's strong currents and pounding waves. These corals provide a unique backdrop for diving, offering a glimpse into an ecosystem shaped by the island's isolation and geological history.

A significant aspect of Oahu's marine biodiversity is the adaptation of fish species to its specific conditions. Fish larvae carried by ocean currents eventually hatch in Oahu's waters, encountering a different array of food sources and predators than in other regions. As a result, a remarkable 25% of Oahu's fish species are endemic to the island, meaning they are found nowhere else on Earth. Divers exploring Oahu's dive sites, including those with Dive Oahu in Honolulu, frequently encounter endemic species such as the Millet-seed Butterfly Fish, Saddle Wrasse, and Multi-band Butterflyfish, among others.

For scuba enthusiasts, diving in Oahu offers an unparalleled opportunity to witness firsthand the evolutionary adaptations of marine life in response to the island's unique environment. Whether exploring reefs, wrecks, or underwater volcanic formations, Dive Oahu provides an unforgettable experience of Oahu's rich underwater world and its endemic fish species.Sea Tiger wreck off the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii, presents an enticing opportunity for divers of all levels. Sunk in 1999, this former Chinese fishing vessel now serves as an artificial reef and a popular dive site. Its rich history, coupled with its diverse marine life and accessible location, makes it a must-visit destination for diving enthusiasts worldwide.

Reef Dives

Ewa Pinnacles

Ewa Pinnacles is comprised of large lava formations coming up from the bottom at about 100 feet and topping out around 60 feet. Ewa Pinnacles is any divers dream with a lot of macro life, but keep your head up for some larger life swimming by as well. Turtles, white tip reef sharks and spotted eagle rays are common, but monk seals, sandbar sharks, and hammerhead sharks have been seen out there too! The sandy bottom to the west of the pinnacles is filled with garden eels poking up out of the sand. Orange cup coral, butterfly fish and sponge crabs fill the overhangs. Undulated and yellow margin morays as well as octopus are also commonly found in the rocky-rubbly bottom. Beautiful bi-color anthias harems can be spotted on the deepest pinnacle and sometimes surprise visits from pipe fish in the little pukas (holes).

Keehi Pipe aka Mario World

Keehi Pipe is another storm drain, but gets the name “Mario World” for the several vertical outcroppings coming up from the horizontal pipe. Peak down inside and you will see schooling squirrel fish and maybe even a shark or large moray eel. Mario World is one of the only places we see schooling puffer fish! Check out the sandy bottom for freckled snake eels poking their heads out and juvenile peacock razor wrasse hovering above the sand.

Turtle Canyons

Turtle Canyons is a finger reef system divided by sandy bottoms between each of the reefs. One of the canyons in particular is known for the Hawaiian green sea turtles (Honu) that consistently frequent the reef to get their shells cleaned. Commonly, the endemic gold ring surgeon fish can be seen snacking on/cleaning the algae off of their shells and bodies. If you can peel yourself away from the turtle station, this site offers a range of reef fish and sometimes will even surprise us with our more rare fish like saddleback butterflies or flame angels!

Nautilus Reef

Nautilus Reef is known primarily for being two large finger reefs sitting next to each other. However, there are several more fingers both east and west from the main moorings. The east side of reef is home to small white tip reef sharks that are commonly seen napping in the darkness of the ledge. Throughout other parts of the ledge you may find schools of red squirrel fish as well as blue striped snappers. The reefs host several friendly millet-seed butterfly and saddle wrasse which are both endemic to Hawai`i. You may even see them following you throughout your entire dive! Keep your eyes out for the sea urchins so you don’t get poked!

Kewalo Pipe

The largest of our dive sites with surrounding garden coral fields and finger reefs both east and west. Kewalo Pipe is an old storm drain that has become host to a variety of coral and marine life. The end of the pipe lies at 60 feet where you can often times see a resident yellow margin moray eel or two. School heller’s barracuda, devil’s scorpion and leaf scorpion fish are also common, as well as several species of nudibranchs and flatworms. Throughout the dive, keep your eyes out for other common eels, beautiful butterfly fish, colorful wrasse and our pygmy angelfish!

Horseshoe Reef

Horseshoe Reef gets its name from two horse shoe shaped reefs sitting back to back, similar to an UnderArmor symbol. This reef is a great place witness the different phases and color variations that wrasse go through throughout their life cycle like the yellowtail coris and rock-mover wrasse. If you peak under the side ledges, it is common to see the Sergeant Major protecting their eggs which are easy to identify by their bright purple color. During our night dives, you may even have a chance to see the elusive dragon moray! A short swim to the east is another reef we call Secret Reef which is known for the small turtle cleaning station cove at the end and also a great place to find white tip reef sharks sleeping.

Wreck Dives


Sea Tiger

The Sea Tiger wreck is one of Dive Oahu’s favorites! It lies in about 127 feet of sand, with the main deck between 85 and 100 feet. The Sea Tiger sits perfectly upright and over the years has begun to deteriorate with railings falling into the sand and sharp exposed pieces of metal sticking out. She was sunk in 1999 as an artificial reef by Voyager Submarine who shortly after went out of business leaving it for SCUBA Divers to enjoy!

The story goes, that she, known at the time as Yun Fong Seong No. 303, was found smuggling undocumented Chinese immigrants, so the five crew-members were sent to prison. In 1994 it was sold to a Vietnamese fisherman who renamed her Sea Tiger but abandoned her to Honolulu Harbor after repeated fines. That is when Voyager Submarine bought her for $1 but spent thousands of dollars and time with paperwork and gutting her to be environmentally ready to sink.

She is now home to several resident undulated, yellow margin, and dwarf morays. If you’re lucky, you may catch a glimpse of the resident java moray, the largest of them all! Octopus love to hang out in the floorboards, white tip reef sharks will sleep underneath or inside the wreck, and always look out for eagle rays flying high or broad stingrays cruising in the sand. Lots of our reef fish enjoy hanging out in and around the wreck as well, including schooling pennant butterfly fish!


YO-257 &
San Pedro

These two wrecks are lying side by side attracting all sorts of marine life, including the Atlantis Submarine and the thousands of visitors inside each day! The YO is an old Navy Yard Oiler which would deliver thousands of gallons of fuel to other ships during World War II as well as the Korean War. She was sunk in 1989 by Atlantis Submarine as an artificial reef.

Just over 100 feet away, lies another wreck that was also sunk by Atlantis Submarine in 1996. San Pedro was owned by an old Korean Fishing Company. In 1997 she was carrying supplies and caught fire! The ship was then towed to Keehi Lagoon where it sat anchored for nearly 20 years before being sunk. When conditions and current are right, our divers will have a chance to dive both wrecks in the same dive!

It is common to see several turtles, eagle rays, and even sharks lying inside of the San Pedro! Look out for lots of nudibranchs, leaf scorpion fish and frog fish on the YO. The YO offers some beautiful swim throughs which make for great photos as well!


Navy Tug

Nashua, aka the Navy Tug, gets its name because it continues to be an active training site for the US Navy. It sits in 65 feet of rocky sand on large steel pillars. If you look underneath the wreck, you might be greeted by white tip reef sharks and schooling blue stripe snapper. Often times there will be large schools of mackerel scad “bait balls” which you can expect to see some of our larger trevaly, amber jacks, rainbow runners.



The Corsair turned out to be a beautiful mistake when the plane went down during a training exercise from Pearl Harbor in 1948. The pilot noticed the needle on the fuel gauge dropping, but continued to fly thinking it was defective. Soon after, the plane began falling and the pilot was able to perform a perfect water landing -he survived! The plane lies in 105 feet of sand surrounded by fields of garden eels. Large morays, leaf scorpionfish, and frog fish are commonly found at this site.